Monday, June 27, 2011

We've been blessed

There's not much to say this week.  Other than Elder Buchan and I have been working our butts off.  We've been tracting and contacting a ton, we've been blessed for it.  Two new solid investigators have come our way.  Their names are Mary Suagan (Sway-gin) and Tip Massey.  We're going to be teaching them this week.  So pray for them! 
Also the Spanish Elders in our district are teaching this guy named Mike Guzman.  Mike has been investigating the church for 2 years.  They don't know why he won't get baptized.  But, him and his wife took us out to dinner the other night, and I started talking to Mike.  He's a lot like me come to find out.  I had a connection with him and think I know what his deal is with getting baptized.  I think he's just scared because he was baptized into another religion, and went inactive.  So I think he's scared that the same thing will happen.  But I think Elder Buchan and I can get his concerns resolved so we can finally get him baptized.  I'm excited to teach him.  Pray for him as well.
Well that's it for this week, let me know if there is anything I'm leaving out in my e-mails that you would like me to include. 
Much Love!!
Elder Graeme Newman

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