Monday, May 30, 2011
Thanks Mom for the lyrics. They are really good. I'm kinda glad you guys are getting all that rain. You guys won't have to worry about a drought.
Things are going a little better with my companion. We're actually finding stuff to talk about. My issue with him was is that I couldn't be myself around him because I felt that he was judging me all the time, that he thought that I was stupid. Well turns out during our companionship inventory, that that's just who he is. He's just really stark, and I need to learn not to take that personally. He doesn't judge me, nor does he think I'm stupid. But he told me that I need to try and "be myself" that way it isn't so boring. It's just hard for me to be myself when I'm not comfortable around him. I'll try though.
I have taken the liberty of studying the Christlike attribute "Patience" I'm really studying it in depth. It seems to be helping. I think all of us should study patience. It's not only good for your personal growth, but it's a good testimony builder as well.
Logan is not yet baptized. We talked to his dad, and he just needs to iron out the creases with his wife. Then we can get him an interview and get him baptized.
Rebecca is progressing slowly but surely. We re-scheduled her baptism date to August 13th. She's nowhere near being ready, but...she is very receptive and she is keeping her commitments so far. So she is progressing just like any normal person would I think. She'll get baptized, don't worry.
Well that's it for now, love you all! Tell everyone I said hi, and thank you for their love and support!
Elder Graeme Newman
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