Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
In the face of adversity
Things are going well. They have gone better, but they're still going well. Elder Christensen and I have some differences that we need to work out, but other than those things I love him. He's a hard worker. I have no idea how he stays as motivated as he does. I pray every night and every morning that I'll get to that point. I want to enjoy missionary work. I want to find motivation within myself. I've never been like that so it's hard. I've never really finished anything that I've started.
This week has been awesome as far as the work goes. We found 4 new investigators this week. I baptized Mary Swegan and Elder Christensen comfirmed her yesterday. It was awesome! My first baptism ever! That definitely went in my journal. I guess what I can do to get me motivated is to imagine me watching people I've taught getting baptized, we have to find them first! THAT, is easier said than done however. It's something I'm working on though.
I would like to tell you about one particular investigator that we picked up this week. We were tracting this street called Happy Lane. We were getting doors slammed in our faces and kind 'no thank you's. We were just getting shut down one after the other. I was starting to get discouraged. I really didn't want to tract because I was tired, it was 8 pm so I figured that people wouldn't want to talk to us anyway just because it was getting late. But Elder Christensen persisted so I just said "fine let's get it over with"
We knocked our last door and this teenage girl answered. We asked if her mom was home. She went and got her mom, we introduced ourselves and she told us that she was born again christian. So I'm thinking "of course, another shut down." She was really reserved...at first. Her husband was giving us a hard time in the background. So she came out and closed the door behind her. We soon learned that she was having some family issues and physical health issues. So Elder Christensen talked to her about blessings of healing, and offered if we could give her one. I'm thinking "dude, what're you doing!? We barely know this woman!" To my astonishment she accepted.
I performed the annointing and Elder Christensen gave her the blessing. He gave one of the most powerful blessings I have ever heard. She started to cry (and I mean cry) during the blessing. At that moment I was thinking "this is incredible" After the blessing she described what she was feeling. She told us that she had a pain in her chest that had been giving her grief. But what said shocked me. She said she felt like she was being wrapped in a huge warm comforter. The warmth that she was feeling went down from her head and into her chest exactly where the pain was...and she said the pain was completely gone.
As I'm typing this I'm feeling the spirit so powerfully. It doesn't last though. I wish I felt the spirit this strong always. I often feel like Laman and Lemuel. Whenever things don't go their way they murmur and complain, but something good happens they repent and are completely faithful. I do this all too often. I feel the spirit way strong one day and the next...I'm getting distracted and feeling so inadequate that I don't want to go out and work. I hate it. I've been praying that I can change. I hate the way I am. I've always been lazy, I've never finished what I've started. I just want to change!! Keep me in your prayers. Besides those amazing things that've happened this week I've been having a hard time being strong in the face of adversity. One good thing that has come out of it though...my prayers are more sincere.
Anyway I have to get off now. I'll try to be more happy next week. Sorry to leave the e-mail on such a sour note. I wish I could write more but we only have one computer today and four missionaries that have to e-mail. I hope to hear from you soon. I love you all. You remain in my prayers.
Love, Elder Graeme Newman
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